Tuesday, November 30, 2010

day two

woke up to find that i had gained a pound. hmmmm. not quite what i wanted to see, but i guess it's inevitable with all the nuts i had (tamari almonds, peanut butter larabar, peanut butter on an apple)-but as the last time i did a cleanse, it reminds me that food is made to provide energy and nourishment-not for comfort, or because there is a spare five minutes, or because berry crumbles/cobblers are all over the place and they are my weakness.... so off to whole foods again tomorrow to stock up on all the "go raw foods" which nourish me (and give me tons of pleasure), but not without that little voice reminding me of gwenyth paltrow saying how much weight she gained when she did a raw food diet, so in moderation i will proceed......

1 comment:

  1. "Why Bother?"

    After my exercise class this morning, which is conveniently located (or so I used to think!) across from Ritual Coffee on Valencia, I decided to do a test-run of a decaf, soy latte (in the interest of research, of course). Something I would never order in my pre-cleanse life! So, I slinked in and asked in a somewhat disbelieving voice if they offered such a thing. The barista replied in the affirmative, which I followed with, "Is it actually worth ordering?" To which she smiled broadly and said, "Well, it is called a 'Why Bother?'" Despite this less than positive endorsement, I forged ahead and ordered one (research, after all). And, I must say, I was pleasantly surprised. So, when the going gets tough ladies, and you feel like "why bother (with this cleanse)?!" Just go out and get one. It can be your special treat! Don't forget to make sure they use unsweetened soy milk. :)

