Monday, November 29, 2010

How can one possibly lose weight on this cleanse...

...when I'm snacking on corn chips and quacamole at 10 a.m. on the first day?  (This is to replace my normal mid-morning snack of a cheese stick or cinnamon raisin bread slathered with Greek yogurt.)  This morning, my 6:30 a.m. dog walk was around the block, rather than to Peet's and back.  Although I can (and will) get herbal tea at Peet's in the coming weeks, I didn't want to taunt myself with the smell of freshly ground coffee beans on the very first day.  At home I had peppermint tea steeped with pomegranite seeds, which was pretty good, actually.  For breakfast, I had GF oatmeal with frozen blueberries and flax meal.  It was yummy, but it didn't stave off my mid-morning hunger -- hence the guac and chips.  My husband, also doing the cleanse, diligently took with him to work the homemade salad dressing I made for him to use with his salad-bar lunch.  Leslie    


  1. guac is a great idea!
    i'm really proud of myself, i just found a bag of m&m's in my bag & i threw it away fast. i'm having an apple now. amazing.

  2. yeah, yunah! :) the guac from TJ's (with the salsa on top) is totally yummy!
