Friday, December 3, 2010

restless reflections....

day five. feel good, but not great. however, i did have a flu shot and whooping cough booster on wednesday, so that is probably contributing to my general lethargy. although i never did read the book this cleanse is based on, i have been reading similar books in recent months (CLEAN/THE KIND DIET/THE JUNGLE EFFECT). most lead me to believe that dairy is pretty unfriendly to most humans. my thought is that if you need a supplement like lactaid to digest something, you probably shouldn't be digesting it. so i'm really enjoying seeing what a dairy/vegan diet is like. the only things i miss at all in that category are fage greek yogurt and cheese. and egg whites, which were an easy way to start the day.

other than the two days with the headache, the caffeine withdrawal has been pretty minimal, and i've started drinking tons of herbal tea, with an occasional decaf chai thrown in.
i am a bit concerned about agave, as i saw some bad press a few months ago, likening it to high fructose corn syrup. really? who knows. i can't keep up. so i'm trying to get my sweet tooth satiated through pomegranate seeds, and copious amounts of tangerines and fugi apples.
i do miss wine. i guess my red wine repetition is similar to leslie and the noah's choc chip cookie. i don't drink that much of it, but knowing i can't have any of it makes it all the more desirable.....

i also bought and consumed two bags of "goraw" ginger snaps, so that isn't going to happen again. beside the fact that they are over $6.00 for a small bag, they are full of fat (albeit good fat) and high in calories.

so in a nutshell, my current mindset is : eating really well and healthy is not that hard, if you limit yourself to fruits, vegetables and whole grains. kind of boring. kind of the opposite of living with a bit of hedonism as an occasional guide.

i also am waiting for the five lbs i want to lose to drop off. hasn't happened yet.
but it will, right?


oh, made a super easy "stew" of sorts: lentils, baby carrots, a bag of the southern greens from trader joes (with kale, etc), bell pepper, vegetarian stock and various spices. really good and comforting.....

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