Monday, December 13, 2010

Yea Us!

A few of us received this sweet e-mail from Tracy and we have permission to share with the group.  Bask in your awesomeness!  :)  Leslie

"Greetings & Salutations Master Cleansers! 

Having read your blog and speaking with some of you about the cleanse, I actually took the time to read labels while grocery shopping this weekend.  I knew I was a sugar-holic, but I never knew how much sugar I was unknowingly eating (Yogurt!!!).  I also was unaware of all the gluten I was consuming.  I stumbled through the store realizing that I am not as healthy of an eater as I once thought.  Change is definitely coming soon for me. I will be jumping back on the vegan train any day now AND I will start making healthier choices.

Additionally, last night I attended Colleen Patrick-Goudreau's book signing for the release of her "Color me Vegan" cookbook.  The cookbook shows how plant-based cuisine can be filled with antioxidants and still be delicious.  A feast not just for your stomach, but your eyes as well. I have already picked out many recipes I must try immediately!  She made a very powerful statement that made me think of all of you. She was referring to when people say they cannot go vegan because they cannot give up cheese (or whatever).  Her response is:  Well, what can you give up that will benefit your health and the environment?

All of you master cleansers made a choice to go "without" to make a healthier, stronger you!  And I am really proud of you and filled with admiration.  You are inspiring this vegetarian to make some serious life changes....and not just in my diet!

(Feel free to share with the other cleansers and/or post on blog)"

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